Hear Me Roar Poetry and Art

Hear Me Roar Poetry and Art HARDCOVER

Hear Me Roar Poetry and Art HARDCOVER
Published by Westwood Books Publishing LLC
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As I continue on life's journey, I have reached a comfortable space in my evolution where I am gaining full understanding and acceptance that I am enough.

I have learned to embrace every experience, good or bad, knowing that they were all crucial factors that have helped me find my peace. As a parent, I am learning how to let go and as a partner, I am learning how to grow as a couple without losing myself. Being a survivor of sexual abuse, I have overcome my trauma and vanquished my demons to be an empowered survivor that can hopefully help others do the same. As a person, I am allowing and giving myself full permission to be the best I can be. I will not be restrained by the darkness and negativity of prejudice or hate, instead, I am driven to my purpose of living my truth in every moment, being guided by my light, and always using love as my focal point of being. Like the stars in the heavens, I am guided by my vision to simply shine, and allowing others to do the same. 

52 pages | $19.99 USD | 6 x 0.38 x 9 inches | 978-1643619163 | October 18, 2019