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Finding My Wings HARDCOVER

SKU: 979-8218206062

$25.00 $25.00
Sandra Leon-Gonzalez’s latest collection is a testament to humankind’s resiliency without shying away from the darkness that’s led to such a need for survival. These poems urge readers to fight for themselves, to fight for one another, and to always (always!) fight for a more beautiful, more inclusive world: “I look to a brighter tomorrow / A future driven by my dreams / Where we are just human / Embracing all ethnicities.” With fierce musicality and earnest language, each poem is a map, a call to arms, a soul-stirring crystal ball for how to persevere against (and overcome!) adversity with both grit and grace. Whether she’s writing about the ever-winding path to freedom, finding magic in the impermanence of our time here, or empowering (and emboldening) readers to live despite (and in spite of), at the core of each poem is—love. Finding My Wings guides readers to understand that on your own you cannot grow. And so let’s wander and wonder together.
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